image from Event Storming in practice - what is Single Process and when do we use it?

Event Storming in practice - what is Single Process and when do we use it?

In Event Storming, a very accurate mapping of a single process is simply called Simple Process. The goal is to maximize its understanding, such as in the example below (Objectivity):

In this type of workshop, we reflect on a specific process, temporarily ignoring other elements of the work environment. Without a full spectrum in mind, we focus our attention only on those elements that may influence the said process.

While conducting a Single Process workshop, prepare for more rejected notes and get ready to discuss whether events brought up are part of the process. This will result in more focus on achieving a set goal in our conversations. The sticky notes themselves will follow a rather linear pattern, with fewer and shorter cycle “branches”.

What are the pros and cons of this kind of workshop? In many cases, they may be like those revolving around Big Picture:


Deep understanding of the process

The workshop helps to see the entire process with its possible beginnings and endings. We can see actual and possible failures, examine its total time, and check for anything missed. In a way, by standing a few meters away from the board, it takes a single glance to take in the whole process.

Shared responsibility

After the workshop, it’s easier to notice the spots where the process is transferred from one department to another. We see what ending events lead to the beginning of the other group’s responsibility and can deduct the estimated transition time between the teams, thus leading to a more accurate picture of the situation.

Transfer spots usually cause the most problems and delays, but by properly planning our process, we can reduce these difficulties by clearly describing the cooperation process.

Gains and losses

This sort of process visualization is also perfect for carrying out a profit and loss analysis. By using the appropriate colors of sticky notes, we can show the existing profits and losses and the predicted potential impact on our process diagram.

This makes us more aware of where we can act to make the process more economical and profitable.

Possible issues

Loops, ends and beginnings

Even though Single Process may be extremely linear, secondary aspects may increase the difficulty of understanding. In this case, an additional indicator is useful to show the current state of the process.


The main benefit of the Event Storming Single Process workshop is a thoroughly examined single business process. We can see all the elements that must be in place to achieve our goals, as well as problems and opportunities to focus on.

At Objectivity, a 3-hour workshop allowed us to engage a group of almost 10 people and quickly get very deep into one process. There were several moments of surprise - it turned out, for example, that the initial analysis of the problem completely omitted one department in the company. After we collected the results in an Excel spreadsheet, we could get to planning further actions to implement into the process.

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