Category “Business in IT”

image from Short-term and Long-term Gains

Short-term and Long-term Gains

Often I see this problem in the context of solution design: We discuss options. We consider several potential candidates. We determine how much profit each option will bring. Usually, the one that provides the most and the fastest wins. No one …

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image from Profit and Work Matrix in Practice

Profit and Work Matrix in Practice

Have you ever wondered how the changes introduced within your organization affect individual departments and people in your company? There is a tool that can help identify these impacts and assist in managing changes. This tool is called the profit …

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image from Visual Meetings

Visual Meetings

The pandemic has shifted a large portion of our meetings to the virtual world. This shift means we can no longer use the natural tools we had in offices—whiteboards, notes, drawings on paper. Often, remote meetings turn into empty word-throwing …

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image from Work Agile or Not

Work Agile or Not

The agile approach has become the de-facto standard in our technology industry. However, it seems that in certain situations, it does more harm than good. The backdrop for this article is Oskar Dudycz’s article “When Agile is not enough” …

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image from Watch Out for Trap Words

Watch Out for Trap Words

The foundation of communication is that both parties must use a common language. If I speak Polish and my client speaks English, it’s obvious that we won’t understand each other. However, just speaking the same language doesn’t guarantee mutual …

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image from IT System as a Neural Network

IT System as a Neural Network

Many people complain that their computer systems turned out to be more difficult to build and maintain than they initially expected. Allow me to add a few words from my perspective. In my view, this problem stems from a flawed metaphor we use when …

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