Category “Design patterns”

image from Entity-Attribute-Value fallacy

Entity-Attribute-Value fallacy

“EAV fallacy” - assumption, that you can model complex problem with an Entity-Attribute-Value solution I’ve been involved in a few projects which tried to use the similar EAV structure (SQL or JSON replacement) to embrace difficult …

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image from CQRS in 4 steps - presentation

CQRS in 4 steps - presentation

I finished work on my presentation about “CQRS in 4 steps” which will be shown during 4Developers conference. You can find slides from my presentation on Slideshare. Also, you can check my blog posts: splitting code to commands and queries …

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image from CQRS - Third step - Simple read model

CQRS - Third step - Simple read model

This post series is driven by my lightning talk about how to introduce CQRS to your project. I thought that would be good to explain this topic further for people who won’t be attending my presentation. I will write about: splitting code to …

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image from CQRS in 4 steps - Lightning talk

CQRS in 4 steps - Lightning talk

I finished work on my lightning talk about “CQRS in 4 steps” and successfully presented it to my company’s folks. You can find slides from my presentation on Slideshare and download it from my OneDrive to get my inside notes ;) …

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image from Train riding and temporal model

Train riding and temporal model

Post is based on Szymon `Scooletz` Kulec post’s about temporal model - Riding a train and reading Szymon’s post inspired me to write a post, how I would model the domain of …

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